When “Giving Thanks” Go Very Wrong

Celebrating a day to give thanks is an annual tradition and holiday in several countries around the world.  A few weeks ago, I listened to a speech by a young man who was encouraging his listeners to adopt a lifestyle of giving thanks. I was excited for this speech but the more he progressed theContinue reading “When “Giving Thanks” Go Very Wrong”

Top reasons not to tithe

“I was on the altar but he took me off of it”, said my friend. For those that know me well, I couldn’t help my facial expression after that one! My quick response, I have to say was not godly… “You wanted him to take you off the alter!” Everyone started laughing at that responseContinue reading “Top reasons not to tithe”

How to be prosperous 

Too much bills. Not enough money. Lots to do and achieve. Need more, more, more. Many today are seeking that magic wand of prosperity. Solomon was not only granted great wealth and prosperity from God but he was given what his heart truly desired which was wisdom. Solomon provided insight on how to be prosperous:Continue reading “How to be prosperous “