
“A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbersthat there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man,carried by four of them. Since they could not getContinue reading “Compassion “

A man’s man

“Jesus wept.” John 11:35 Society today demands that men shouldn’t cry. It isn’t a manly action. Many Christians also live this point of view. To be honest I have looked on men who cry and been amazed and astonished because I have grown up in an environment and society that believes that men should not cry. AndContinue reading “A man’s man”

What do you see?

When you see people, do you see first their culture, their background, or their conviction? Or do you see the possibilities of them becoming disciples of Christ? Christ uses our bodies to serve him in this world and HE has called us to go to different places and people at different times.

World Issues

In the crazy hectic lives that we live, many of us have just kept on going with no care because it is not affecting us personally, or we have the attitude that it is just not any of our business so we stay out of it! We don’t follow the Lord’s instructions to pray for each other. To be compassionate. To give. To show love. HIS greatest command is to love.