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The first woman of faith

The first woman of faith

Previously we looked at a woman who lied to God’s face, and today we will focus on the first woman of faith in the Bible. The same woman in that story is the same for today.

Sarah, wife of Abraham (she was also his half-sister on his Father’s side) and mother of Isaac, had a challenge believing that after waiting 90 years, God would finally bless her with a son. Her unbelief is understandable within our human minds of limited understanding as they were both in age, but she laughed at God in Genesis 18:13 and then lied in v15 when God confronted her. Now, let’s not look down on Sarah, because we all try to lie to God – let’s be honest.

Another issue

But that isn’t her only failure. Sarah, like many take-charge people, decided that God was taking too long to give her a child (God promised Abraham that he would become a father of many, but Sarah was barren and couldn’t have any children), so she gave permission for her maidservant to sleep with her husband Abraham so that he will have a child.

Ahhhhhhhhhh….. Okkkkk!

You see how we can mess things up! And Sarah isn’t alone. We all mess up! We get impatient and decide to take things into our own hands instead of leaving them to God. To be fair to Sarah, it was a common practice in her day to have maidservants bear children for husbands.

Her blessing

But, as you can imagine, things got a bit interesting for Sarah after, but here is the amazing thing about Sarah’s story. God forgave Sarah and blessed her. Blessed her in such a way that she is one of the few honoured women of the bible:


Food for thought: No matter how you mess things up, God can and will forgive you. Don’t let the devil have you believe in his lies. Do you feel like your life is on hold? It is a part of God’s master plan – don’t give up. And lastly, don’t put God in a box – He is all-powerful and can do the impossible!

Prayer: God of love and forgiveness, Your word tells us in Isaiah 40:28 that Your understanding no one can fathom. Forgive us when we don’t understand, and instead of coming to You or waiting patiently, we decide to take things into our own hands and make a bigger mess of the situation. Your mercy and love we do not deserve, but we thank You. Thank you, Lord. Amen

God’s grace, mercy and peace to you.

Have you ever been disappointed in God?

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