Sunday is coming

Sunday is Coming

As I reflect on the significance of today. The crucifixion of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who was nailed to a cross to die. The pain and anguish He felt. The pain, anguish, and uncertainty felt by those who loved Him. It brings to mind the ‘other’ crises in our life right now.

You may have lost someone to COVID-19 or know of someone who died. It is heart wrenching. So much so, even writing to you today is from a very heavy heart. I am tired of this plague. Tired of the constant news. Most of all, I am tired of being tired.

As I droned on and on to God about my woes today, I could have sworn I felt and heard Him sigh. I stopped. With a heavy sigh of my own, I shook my head and closed my eyes. It was time for me to stop talking and just listen and be in His peace.

“Sunday is coming.” Opening my eyes, my heart started to beat more clearly and with a watery smile, I laughed and rejoiced. “Thank You God. Yes, Sunday is coming.”

What Mary, the disciples, Pontius Pilate and the soldiers did not know, was that Sunday was coming.

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Psalm 30:5


The beauty of the Easter story is that we know that Sunday is coming. There is an age-old adage which say, “this too shall pass.” Joy comes in the morning. All Christians will rejoice on Sunday morning when we celebrate the risen Jesus. Jesus on the cross, in agony, knew that His time had come to serve the world. That the world would see Him risen in three days; but no one believed Him.

We know the end of that story. We have been granted that knowledge. So, when I reflect on “Sunday is coming”, it is a reminder I know that COVID-19 will end. It has an end date. I don’t know when it is and at what specific time, but just as I trust in Jesus’ word that He rose on the 3rd day, I will trust knowing that for COVID-19, “Sunday is coming!”

Food for thought: It may be too easy to get caught up in the anxiety of today’s pandemic. To worry about your daily bread or protection. Trust. Trust God to give you strength and provide for your needs.

Prayer: Amazing Father. How precious Your words are to me. Forgive my tendency to panic, worry, and stress over the details You have in control. Thank You for the gift of Your Son’s sacrifice. May my life glorify and edify Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Have you ever been disappointed in God? (Video Promo)

Published by godlywoman911

I became a Christian at a young age and baptized at the age of 13. My journey has been bittersweet. A majority of my life I have been a Christian. But not a Godly Woman. After many failures, tears and tribulation I realized that something in my Christian life had to change. No longer can I profess that I am a Christian but don’t show daily that Christ lives in me! No longer can I claim that I am HIS child when my thoughts, actions and deeds were not overflowing with HIS love. No longer could I live the way I was living and not seek him daily in prayer, scripture and worship. As the Lord blessed me with that knowledge I felt him also calling me to write my journey and share my thoughts, learning and mistakes with others. Hence the reason for 911. Not only was it a crises in my life to become a Godly Woman but as I delved into scripture to understand how to be Godly, I realized that we are living in crazy world where the desire to be Godly was no longer important. Many boast that they are a Christian and weekly attend Church, but lack the Godly qualities that Christ seeks in ALL of his followers. My deepest desire is to serve Christ faithfully, obey HIM joyfully, trust HIM always, seek HIM eternally and become his close friend so that I can share in his truth and knowledge. I pray that this blog blesses you and provide you with the strength, courage and wisdom to be a Godly Man or Woman.

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