When a Pastor has gone way out of line

When a Pastor has gone too far @godlywoman911
When a pastor has gone way out of line

“Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant’s name was Malchus.)

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

“You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” John 18:10,36-37


We love excitement. As human beings, the majority of us love the excitement and spice of life from time to time. Even more so, we love an exciting church!

The more exciting a church is, the more the attendance it seems. We are attracted to entertainment.

But there are many times when that entertainment is clearly borderline of the world vs the truth.

I happened to have watched a video a few months back that reminded me of the story in John 18. In this social media video, the pastor of a church was wearing an army suit and had a plastic gun. This female pastor was on the ground spying out sin and was shooting each sin as she preached, providing great entertainment for persons within the Church and obviously social media community.

I, on the other hand, did not find any of it entertaining whatsoever. I found it actually very scary to see a pastor behaving in that manner and with her elders all cheering her on.


We can’t be children of God and not take a hard stance to preachers of the word who confuse the word with worldly excitement. All of us are called to the truth… not to the excitement of this world.

We need to pray for our leaders within the Church. They too get caught in the devil’s schemes and plans.

Food for thought: Take time out today to pray not only for the pastor of your church but all of God’s people that are in positions of leadership to lead God’s flock.

Prayer: Holy Father, hear our plea. Cover, guide and protect those that you have called to minister to your flock. For those that are wolves in sheep clothing, may you shine your light on them so that your flock will be warned away. Guide us in your truth. In Jesus name. Amen

May God’s mercy, grace, and love be with you.

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Published by godlywoman911

I became a Christian at a young age and baptized at the age of 13. My journey has been bittersweet. A majority of my life I have been a Christian. But not a Godly Woman. After many failures, tears and tribulation I realized that something in my Christian life had to change. No longer can I profess that I am a Christian but don’t show daily that Christ lives in me! No longer can I claim that I am HIS child when my thoughts, actions and deeds were not overflowing with HIS love. No longer could I live the way I was living and not seek him daily in prayer, scripture and worship. As the Lord blessed me with that knowledge I felt him also calling me to write my journey and share my thoughts, learning and mistakes with others. Hence the reason for 911. Not only was it a crises in my life to become a Godly Woman but as I delved into scripture to understand how to be Godly, I realized that we are living in crazy world where the desire to be Godly was no longer important. Many boast that they are a Christian and weekly attend Church, but lack the Godly qualities that Christ seeks in ALL of his followers. My deepest desire is to serve Christ faithfully, obey HIM joyfully, trust HIM always, seek HIM eternally and become his close friend so that I can share in his truth and knowledge. I pray that this blog blesses you and provide you with the strength, courage and wisdom to be a Godly Man or Woman.

One thought on “When a Pastor has gone way out of line

  1. Good paper!
    Many pastors has forgotten that the Lord has committed them to teache the truth not comedy. In West African churches, they are plenty pastors who transform their preachings to theatre scenes…

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