Some Christians still don’t believe 

Christmas dinner - @GodlyWoman911“Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!””Mark 9:24

Have you ever been in this situation? You believe, but you don’t think God can change or do something about it.

There are so many believers that don’t believe! 

Or maybe it is that you believe, but you don’t have faith because of the experiences in your past.

We limit our belief by what didn’t happen for us in the past. So are you a believer only in the good times or all times?

We need to be full of faith. We need to be steadfast in our faith.

Let us have faith like the centurion to hear Jesus say in amazement “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith…Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭8:10, 13‬

Our belief will garner the results that we want. Do we truly believe what we believe in? Do we live what we believe?

Life is a not easy and comes with complications that can cause us to question our belief. Even John the Baptist questioned his beliefs. Who after baptizing Jesus and heard God speak from the heavens. 

We are all human and experience this. But we can’t lose faith in the good or bad times. 

Jesus came in to this world to bring hope, joy and peace. This season, don’t put your hope in the gifts, food, and Christmas parties. Believe and celebrate that your Savior was born and may we all believe in what Simeon said when he saw baby Jesus:

“For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles…” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭2:30-32‬

Food for thought: God wants to use you… Don’t let your experience determine your faith and conviction. The world continues to change and many times we may question what we believe, but never question WHO you believe in. 

Prayer: Creator. Omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God. Our alpha and omega. Forgive us our unbelief and our ability to be swayed by the wind depending on what the world throws at us. Grant us thy courage and strength. We ask for your wisdom. Help us overcome our unbelief. In Jesus name. amen 

May God’s grace, peace and mercy be with you. 

Published by godlywoman911

I became a Christian at a young age and baptized at the age of 13. My journey has been bittersweet. A majority of my life I have been a Christian. But not a Godly Woman. After many failures, tears and tribulation I realized that something in my Christian life had to change. No longer can I profess that I am a Christian but don’t show daily that Christ lives in me! No longer can I claim that I am HIS child when my thoughts, actions and deeds were not overflowing with HIS love. No longer could I live the way I was living and not seek him daily in prayer, scripture and worship. As the Lord blessed me with that knowledge I felt him also calling me to write my journey and share my thoughts, learning and mistakes with others. Hence the reason for 911. Not only was it a crises in my life to become a Godly Woman but as I delved into scripture to understand how to be Godly, I realized that we are living in crazy world where the desire to be Godly was no longer important. Many boast that they are a Christian and weekly attend Church, but lack the Godly qualities that Christ seeks in ALL of his followers. My deepest desire is to serve Christ faithfully, obey HIM joyfully, trust HIM always, seek HIM eternally and become his close friend so that I can share in his truth and knowledge. I pray that this blog blesses you and provide you with the strength, courage and wisdom to be a Godly Man or Woman.

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